Sunday, January 18, 2009

dog walking

As I was walking the dogs today, I realized how silly we must look. Two dogs with matching rainbow collars - yes rainbow. Luna with her Hannibal Lector mask and Xochi with her Halti, which she HATES. Every chance she gets, she throws herself on the ground like a 2-year-old throwing a tantrum, and tries to rub the thing of her face. Meanwhile, I'm yanking on her and saying "tsch, tsch, tsch" like Cesar Milan on speed.

If that weren't enough, I have a tendency to talk to myself while I'm walking the dogs. And usually, I am telling somebody in no uncertain terms EXACTLY what I think in a situation that happened two days ago or might happen in the future. This involves head-wagging like a really pissed off black woman, and I am almost always incredibly witty and brilliant ... and wishing that a) I had thought of all this when the situation was actually happening and/or b) that I had the wherewithal to say all those things in the potential future situation. So much for living in the present.

I any case, I'm usually pretty proud of how smart and well-spoken I am during these made up dog-walking conversations. What a sight - there goes the lady who talks to herself while wagging her head and walking her two crazy, gay dogs, smiling like a maniac.

1 comment:

  1. Oh my god, you had me cracking up at this. I can picture it perfectly. And I love that your dogs have matching rainbow collars!!!
